Strategies to Get Ahead With Voice Search Optimization

The search engine technology is going through major advancements. The recent revolution is in the form of voice search. According to an estimate, about 30 – 50 percent of all web searchers are going to use voice option to search in the Google and other major search engines by 2020.

Now, you may wonder why you need to optimize your listings specifically for voice search along with the regular search. The first thing that you will have to keep in mind in this regard is that voice search is quite different as compared to regular search. Studies show that top result occurring as a result of organic searching in Google receives 35.35 percent of clicks. On the other hand, only top four search results in voice search are clicked. It means that you need to get on the top if you want to receive traffic.

Optimizing for voice search gets even more important due to the fact that 30 – 50 percent of the search engines users are going to be the users of voice search by 2020. So, it is the fierce competition that going to require everyone to focus on voice search for the purpose of marketing their online business and services.

Creating a strategy for voice search optimization

Here, you will have to make sure that you have a marketing strategy in place to deal with the requirements that are going to arise as a result of this major update in technology.

  1. The first thing you will need to focus on is your business listing. Make sure that your listing is up-to-date with clear name, address and phone number. Errors in the NAP information results in $10.3 billion each year. Make sure that you are not a part of that statistic.
  2. Speed of the website is one of the most important things that you will need to focus on. The reason is that the voice searches are going to be generated from mobiles.
  3. The way you search on the web by typing a query mainly focuses on the keyword. This is how searching on the web has been since its inception. However, this is not going to be the case with voice commands. The voice searcher usually asks questions rather than speaking the keywords. You will need to focus on conversational and long-tailed keywords in order to meet this major requirement.
  4. A major part of your content strategy should be to provide answers. If you have researched for the questions that you need to answer, you will have ease in creating the content to provide those answers. You can have a look at the FAQs about the product or service you are selling and then you can provide answers based on those questions.

Voice search is going to be the backbone of ecommerce industry in the near future. Make sure that you are ready to keep up with the competition.